Shame is Holding you Back

Awaken Transformation Blogs - Shame is Holding you Back

Hey there,

I feel shame.

It's a raw, human emotion that often lingers beneath the surface. I experience it when I fall short of my own expectations, when my efforts to reach my goals don't quite pan out, when I react in a way that leaves me feeling less than proud, when I turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms like overeating or excessive social media use, and even when I can't help but compare my life to the seemingly perfect lives of others. And I'm willing to bet that you, too, have grappled with the complex emotion that is shame.

So, can you resonate with this experience of shame?

Shame is not inherently "bad"; it's a fundamental part of the human emotional spectrum. However, it's what we do with shame, how we navigate it, and whether we allow it to remain hidden in the shadows that truly matters. When left unexamined, shame can take control of our lives, stalling our growth and hindering our ability to move forward.

In this blog post, we'll explore the concept of shame, its impact on our lives, and most importantly, three practical steps to becoming more resilient in the face of shame.

3 Steps To Overcoming Shame:

Step 1:
Own Your Story

The first step on the journey to shame resilience is to acknowledge and own your story. It's about recognizing when shame creeps in and being brave enough to name it. Say to yourself, "This is shame," or "I am feeling shame because…" By shining a light on your emotions, you're taking the first courageous step towards understanding and addressing them. This is not about self-blame; it's about self-compassion and self-awareness.

Step 2: Share It

Shame thrives in secrecy. It's like a shadow that dissipates when exposed to the light of vulnerability. The second step in building shame resilience is to share your shame with someone you trust. Whether it's a close friend, a family member, or a therapist, opening up about what you are experiencing can be incredibly liberating. When you share your shame, its power over you diminishes, and you create an opportunity for connection and support.

Step 3: Be Heard and Understood

When you decide to share your shame, it's essential to communicate that you don't need someone to "fix" it. Shame isn't a problem to be solved; it's a natural human emotion. What you seek is understanding and empathy without judgment. Let the person you confide in know that there's nothing inherently wrong with you; you're just navigating the complex landscape of emotions. This step fosters a deeper sense of connection and allows you to move through shame with more resilience.

That's it. When you follow these three steps—owning your story, sharing it, and being heard and understood—the grip of the shame cycle begins to loosen. You regain control over your emotions and open the door to personal growth and self-acceptance.

I'm Here to Listen…

As you read this, know that I'm here to hold space for you.
DM me on social media with what you might be feeling shame about. I'm here to listen, understand, and personally respond.

Awaken Transformation was created with this formula in mind- helping YOU release shame and judgement and move forward with energy, vibrancy and clarity.

Awaken Transformation is a group mindset coaching program where you will come each week to uncover the stories that are holding you back, where you will be heard and understood.

We are holding space for you there.

Together, we can release the burden of shame and bring it into the light where it can lose its power.

It's time to let go of shame and embrace the beauty of vulnerability. Our imperfections are what make us human, and by acknowledging them, we find the strength to grow and connect with others authentically.

So, let's embark on this journey together. The next time you feel the weight of shame, remember these steps and consider reaching out and joining us. We're all in this together, and through vulnerability, we can uncover our resilience.

Take care,


PS. Watch for next months' blog where you will learn how to use momentum to easily achieve your goals.


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