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Get The Tools You Need To Make A True, Lasting Change With Awaken Transformation. 


  • Awaken Transformation is an online coaching and wellness program you can access through your phone, computer, or tablet.

  • ⭐️ The New Member Quick-Start. Know where to start in less than five minutes!

    ⭐️ Weekly Live Group Coaching Calls. This is where the gold is. Coaching provides a space to learn, connect, get coached on your roadblocks, and have plenty of lightbulb moments.

    ⭐️On-Demand Replays of past coaching calls. You never need to attend a call live. In fact, many of our members LOVE the flexibility of recorded calls because they can listen to them when it fits their schedule. 

    ⭐️ The "Break Your Cycles and Get Unstuck" Course. Step-by-step lessons that make choosing long-term success easy and doable. 

    ⭐️ The Weightloss Course. Lose weight and transform your relationship with yourself and food. 

    ⭐️ "Awaken At Home," our unique library of at-home workout videos.

    ⭐️ Digital download of your Awaken Transformation Journal. Finally, a journal that asks the right questions and helps you stay on track and show up as your best self. Every member receives a digital copy to use when they join. 

  • Just like your personal growth journey is ongoing, Awaken Transformation is an ongoing program. Many of our members have been with us for years, and some just a few months. 

    You can cancel your monthly membership at any time.

  • Awaken Transformation is just $57/month, with a one-time $87 registration fee to start. You can see our current prices HERE. Plus, we understand that life changes and you can cancel anytime by pausing your membership.

  • YES. This program works no matter where you are at. Some members join with goals in mind like losing weight, improving their relationship, or growing financially. And many join with no clear idea of what they want - just that they want to 'feel better' or that something 'needed to shift in their life'. If you're feeling similarly 'stuck,' THIS is the program for you.

  • You may be wary of investing after spending money on diet books, self-help guides, exercise apps, empty Instagram promises, and fix-me-quick schemes. How much valuable TIME and ENERGY have you spent on Google searches, regret, shame, asking everyone and everything to 'fix' you? Are you spending emotional energy wanting something so bad that you leave nothing in the tank for the people who love you most?

    These are the hidden costs of just 'wishing' you would lose weight, make more money, break or create the habit, and use your time better...

    After trying countless other programs, many members have said they experienced amazing progress toward their goals after joining Awaken Transformation. 

    Awaken Transformation helps you change your MINDSET and HABITS, which makes it different from other get-fixed-quick schemes like dieting and apps. But it's also an investment you make in YOURSELF. Nothing is a waste as long as you go into it with good intentions.

  • It's normal to worry about failure. We get scared of what others will think of us if we screw up, and we often get overly focused on our fears instead of what COULD happen to us in the future.

    Channel your energy into thinking through how you refuse to quit this time. Inside the program, you will learn to overcome your self-doubt, recognize your achievements (goodbye, pesky perfectionist thoughts!), and change your mindset to reach your goals.

    This is why the Awaken Transformation program is different from other programs. They failed YOU.  You didn't fail. They didn't teach you how to change your mindset like Awaken Transformation.

Ready to Join Awaken Transformation?

Do you have a question we didn't cover? 

Please send us an email at We'd love to help!

© 2024 Awaken Transformation