The Pilates Suspension Method (PSM) combines traditional and contemporary mat Pilates and equipment-based Pilates exercises and performs them on the suspension trainer. Each PSM exercise has a Pilates root and is also done in many of the traditional Pilates series. The PSM is designed to teach in a group or one-on-one setting. The PSM Foundation Course and the PSM 2.0 Course are both 6 hours long and will cover 75+ PSM exercises. Every exercise during the course is demonstrated, modifications discussed, and all students will physically be able to try out the exercises. The workshop price includes a paperback manual and ebook with step-by-step pictures to easily follow along. Both workshop welcome all types of mindful movement and fitness instructors and enthusiasts.
Currently the PSM Foundation Course is approved for 6 Pilates Method Alliance (PMA) CEC’s and the PSM 2.0 Course is currently under review by PMA for approval. Both the Foundation Course and 2.0 course can be petition for approval by American Council of Exercise (ACE).
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